Anyone Can Love Bathe!





We stumbled on the concept of lovebathing accidentally. Many days we?d finish up the work day by shifting gears. We?d sit together on the couch, pop the cork on a bottle of wine, and talk about our day.

We?d stare into each others? eyes. We?d find our rhythms changing. Dawson?s high-energy Type A personality would shift. Christine would pull him into her low-stress, emotionally connected, humorous energy.

We?d start to laugh and connect. Really connect. Deeply. At the level of body, mind, emotions and spirit.

We found ourselves incredibly nurtured by lovebathing. We called it by that name because it was like jumping into a deep pool of nurturing, sweet, delicious love. It shifts us from ?me? to ?we,? and we?re fortunate to have a delicious ?we.?

Yet it?s no accident. We choose to recalibrate our individual energies into the energy of the marriage. We choose to sit together rather than busy ourselves with household activities. We choose to listen to each other carefully, rather an talking past each other. We choose to become conscious, rather than re-enacting our old unconscious patterns of how to act in a relationship.

Here are some of the tools we use:

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Tapping. EFT is a great stress-reduction tool. It uses a combination of acupressure and cognitive therapy to quickly neutralize emotionally troubling experiences. Find full instructions here.

EcoMeditation. While this is a very simple form of meditation, it?s based on science, and the study of the physiological states of master meditators. It induces a deeply peaceful state in under 2 minutes.

Active Listening. This makes your partner feel truly and deeply heard. Here are the instructions for Active Listening.

Dancing. We love to dance together. Dancing takes you out of your head and into your body. Here are the playlists from our wedding and our reception. You won?t be able to keep your feet still. LINKS

You can do it too! All these tools bring you back to ?presence?; the place of truly being with your partner 100%.

So often people sleepwalk through their relationships, acting out old scripts. Whether it?s with their parents, children, spouses, or business colleagues.

Lovebathing invites you out of sleepwalking and into the present moment. Try the exercises above, either along or with your partner. They?re our gift to you!